

1978 Uppsatser om Methadone treatment - Sida 1 av 132

Underhållsbehandling ur socialtjänstens perspektiv

The aim of the study was to get a deeper understanding of how social workers at the welfare office think and act when it comes to methadone or buprenorphine treatment. What role does the welfare office take when it comes to methadone- or buprenorphine treatment, what does the welfare office think about this form of treatment, what possibilities does the welfare office have when it comes to decide the selection to this kind of treatment and what consideration does the welfare office take to the separate individuals demands when it comes to methadone- or buprenorphine treatment. The study is done in the perspective of society as a social construction. The method that was used was qualitative interviews with professionals at the welfare office and professionals at the reception of methadone- and buprenorphine treatment. The result of the study is that the attitude towards methadone- and buprenorphine treatment is complicated and the opinions are partly divided..

Vägen ut - metadonpatientens sociala rehabilitering.

The purpose of the study was to examine what possibilities and obstacles, according to the personnel and patients in a Methadone treatment, exist in the patient's social rehabilitation. How does the Methadone treatment encourage the patient's social rehabilitation, what possibilities/obstacles are there according to personnel and patients? What does the patient see as important aspects of his/her social rehabilitation and what importance does the methadone have on the treatment? The results show that there are difficulties for patients to rebuild their life, find employment, start new social networks and get by with everyday tasks. The support from friends and family will simplify the patient's social rehabilitation, otherwise they get isolated and alone. Patients feel that they are fighting for a successful treatment so that they can have a relationship with friends and families again.

En komparativ studie av Danmarks och Sveriges metadonprogram

Our purpose with this essay was to make a comparative study of the methadone programme in Sweden versus Denmark. We wanted to examine the issue by illustrating the historical and recent development of the drug political policy and the growth of the methadone programme in both countries.We chose to work with the following questions:1. What differences occur in the methadone programme if you compare the same in Denmark and Sweden? 2. How is the respective methadone programmes designed? 3.

The controversy surrounding the Swedish methadone assisted rehabilitation program over time: a literature study.

The purpose of this study was to examine the controversy surrounding the Swedish methadone assisted rehabilitation program over time. Which course has the Swedish methadone assisted rehabilitation program, and the controversy surrounding it, taken since the start? Which arguments have been for and which have been against a methadone assisted rehabilitation program in Sweden, and what are these arguments based on? We chose to write this thesis as a literature study to get a broad and in depth picture of the development of the program in Sweden. In our analysis we used social constructionism and a medical aspect on substance abuse as theories.It is clear that it has been, and still are, differences in opinions when it comes to the effects of the program. As early as in the 1980's the methadone assisted rehabilitation program was scientifically proved effective and approved by the Swedish Board of Health and Social Affairs.

Metadonunderhållsbehandling : en gråzon för kvinnor?

The aim of this thesis has been to investigate women's experience of the Methadone maintenance treatment and what help they believe they need to be able to recover and to improve their social life and whether the medical- and social workers share the similar view.Our method of investigation has been qualitative interviews with four women in the program, two nurses and a counsellor at the methadone clinic and two social workers, who have female clients in the program.The questions at issue were:* how did the women describe their life situation during treatment, compared to the situation they had while they were addicted to narcotics,* did the women experience that the treatment they get in the methadone maintenance program is giving them a better social life situation,* did the employees at the clinic and at the social office share the similar view about the treatments as the female patients?Main problems seemed to be; meeting new non-addictive friends and finding something to do. We could se that, in different ways, they need more support. It wasn't always clear to the people who work with them whose responsibility it was, depending on workplace and/or personality..

Metadonbehandling : en studie kring två klinikers sociala arbete

The purpose with this essay was to study how the social work is shaped in the methadone programme and how the staffs treat and work with the social integration for the patients.We have studied the experience of a medical assisted treatment from two different treatment clinics and focused on their treatment programme. We have chosen to focus on the social aspect but we have also been taking part of the medical treatment - the methadone. In order to get a bigger picture of our problem area we also studied how Sweden's narcotic politic is constructed and how a narcotic life could look like before the entrance in the program. We describe this with the help of the theory about the narcotic carrer and the society's view on a normal living..

Som att ha ett osynligt koppel på sig : Intervjustudie med tre patienter med erfarenhet av utskrivning från substitutionsbehandling mot opiatmissbruk

Aims: To examine how patients with experience of being involuntarily discharged from medication-assisted treatment with methadone or buprenorphine have coped with the consequences following the discharge. The study also aim to examine how the patients cope with the stigma related to their abuse of heroin and how they manage to cope with the rules regarding themedication-assisted treatment. Method: Three patients with experience of involuntary discharge from medication-assisted treatment have been interviewed. All were heroin abusing men living in Stockholm. The interviewees were recruited through the Swedish Drug Users Union and through a shelter for homeless people with drug problems.

Evaluation of a behaviour protocol for use in recording the behaviour of horses following administration of methadone

There is a need for correct and adequate pain assessment in horses. Methadone is used in pain management in horses but the full pharmacokinetic picture of methadone is not yet known. The aim of this pilot study was to develop a behaviour protocol and suggest a reliable recording method for use in a larger research project with an aim to potentially correlate behaviours to concentration of methadone in blood. In this study two coldblooded trotters were given methadone intravenously with doses of 0.1 mg/kg for horse 1 and 0.2 mg/kg for horse 2. The horses were videotaped pre and post methadone administration.

Synen på den kroppsliga hälsan : En intervjustudie med patienter i metadonbehandling

Aim and Problem statement The study aimed to investigate views on physical health amongst patients in methadone maintenance program, which is a subject little explored. Previous studies suggest that methadone patients are at risk developing illnesses related to the metabolic syndrome and an unhealthy lifestyle. Methadone also has side effects such as weight gain and irregular levels of glucose. Method This qualitive study included seven interviews with patients in the methadone maintenance program in Uppsala. Qualitive content analyses were performed Findings Content anlyses gave the theme: The view on physical health is a stuggle after normality were ambivalence of lifestyle changes and alienation causes instability in helath.

De sökte substitutionsbehandling-vad skiljde dem åt? : Jämförelse i bakgrundsfaktorer mellan opiat- och opioidberoende utifrån ASI-intervjuer

Through changes in the code of statutes, SOSFS 2009:27 (M), opioid addicts are excluded since March 1 2010 from possibilities to be accepted for substitution treatment. Opiate addicts are solitary admitted for substitution treatment from that date. Opioid addicts are excluded admission for treatment regardless of the fact that they fulfil the ICD-10 diagnosis F.11.2, i.e. opioid/opiate addictive criteria. The alteration in the statutes was carried out in reference to the fact that evidence for this kind of treatment intended for opioid addicts was missing.Both groups i.e.

Etiska funderingar kring substitutionsbehandling

This thesis deals with the ethical attitudes of professionals working with Methadone or Subutex assisted rehabilitation, concerning the constructed guidelines and directions from the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare. The central themes in the thesis are: 1. What do professionals think of the rules concerning admissions to the rehabilitation programme? 2. What do professionals think of the rules/criteria for being excluded from the programme? 3.

Metadon till hund : klinisk farmakologi

Methadone is frequently used as an analgesic drug for dogs although there are very few studies describing the pharmacokinetics of methadone in this species. In man methadone has a long half-life and there are considerable differences in pharmacokinetics between individuals. The dose interval is lengthened when the drug is used fore longer periods of time due to prolonged half-life. Therefore the drug dose must be adjusted individually. The purpose of this study was to study the fundamental pharmacokinetics of methadone in dogs, and to find an optimal drug dosage.

Metadon - drog eller medicin: en diskursanalys av Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter för läkemedelsassisterad behandling vid opiatberoende.

This thesis discusses the attitudes versus methadone assisted rehabilitation ad modum Dole Nyswander in Sweden during the period 1972-2004. This is done by means of a Foucault inspired discourse analysis applied on the directions issued by the Board of Health and Social Affairs. The context in which these directions were created is also described, in which scientific achievements on Methadone treatments during the period, and the main actors struggling to establish and define the discourse on narcotics and narcomania, are juxtaposed to the effects of the work of the Board. It is stated that the directions were largely affected not by scientific results and knowledge on methadone, but by the symbolic connotations of narcotics in Sweden established in the discourse already in the mid 1960´s. Also during the end of the studied period, after the occurence of AIDS had begun making methadone more broadly accepted, the findings of this thesis showed that the legacy of the 1970´s symtomtheory and its severe antagonism against methadone, was still present, in effect, in the discourse around methadone and subutex assisted rehabilitation, and so in the directions issued by the Board of Health and Social Affairs..

Regelverk inom metadonprogram- hinder eller stöd för patienten? : En kvalitativ uppsats om patienters och vårdpersonals erfarenheter

Att behärska två språk och två länders syn på pedagogik är en bra förutsättning om man vill undersöka och jämföra dessa två länders syn på barn med funktionsnedsättning. Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är därmed att belysa hur skolans styrdokument i Sverige och i Ungern formulerar och beskriver barn med funktionsnedsättning. En del av syftet är också att finna likheter och skillnader mellan det svenska och det ungerska styrdokumentet.Som material till ändamålet används den nya svenska Skollagen (2010) och den ungerska Utbildningslagen (1993). Analysen genomfördes med analysverktyget diskursanalys där jag har analyserat språket som beskriver barn med funktionsnedsättning.Resultaten visar att båda skollagarna har en tydlig koppling till de gällande internationella dokumenten där allas lika värde poängteras. Den svenska Skollagen har dessutom en relationell och deltagande syn på funktionsnedsättning medan den ungerska Utbildningslagen, som är 17 år äldre än den svenska lagen, betonar en kompensatorisk och individinriktad syn..

Ett arrogant regelverk. En studie om hur vårdgivare inom läkemedelsassisterad behandling vid opiatberoende ser på och hanterar Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter.

The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze how health care providers, working at care facilities providing maintenance treatment programs for opiate dependence, perceive and manage the legal framework governing the treatment. The study is limited to a few particular rules within this framework which over the recent decade have been the subject matter of debate regarding i.a. their alleged lack of relation to scientific research and their frequently disastrous implications for program participants. The empirical material consists of interviews with five respondents working at four different care facilities and has been analyzed by using Lipskys theory on street-level bureaucrats as policymaking agents. The results of the study show that the rules are looked upon and dealt with in a liberal fashion and that the primary loyalty of the maintenance treatment staff is clearly directed towards promoting the well-being of their patients and helping them reach their treatment goals rather than strictly following the rules..

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